Evangelical Free Church of America

The EFCA—or Evangelical Free Church of America—is a family of self-governing churches united around the same core beliefs. Together, our mission is to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.

The EFCA began in 1950, when two collections of churches—the Norwegian-Danish and Swedish Evangelical Free Church Associations—merged together to form one Evangelical Free Church of America. Today, there are more than 1600 EFCA congregations across the United States, and they come in all shapes, sizes and locations—from small towns and suburban neighborhoods to major metropolitan areas.

Our churches are supported by 17 regional districts that provide resources, expertise and networking for local pastors and leadership. Those districts are then supported and resourced by the EFCA National Office in Minneapolis.

Together, we strive to follow Jesus’ commands to love others and make disciples of all people, both here in the U.S. and around the world. Globally, the EFCA recruits, trains and supports more than 600 missionaries in more than 50 different countries across five different continents.

In partnership with U.S. churches and native-led ministries, we do things like:

  • Help meet physical, educational and spiritual needs of children through child sponsorship
  • Respond to global crises with physical aid and spiritual hope
  • And send groups and individual young people around the world to learn leadership skills while making disciples

On a national level, we:

  • Support and equip pastors and leaders within their local contexts
  • Provide training and host events for student ministry leaders and youth groups
  • And lead nation-wide ministries to promote ethnic and cultural diversity and share Christ’s heart with the marginalized and oppressed

All of these different avenues lead back to one main goal: church multiplication. Whether it’s global missions, crisis response or student ministry, at the EFCA, everything we do aligns with our mission to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. Through the body of Christ, we want to see God transform every community, every neighborhood and every individual with the power of the gospel.

EFCA's Statement of Faith

The Statement of Faith covers the following 10 topics:

1) God

2) The Bible

3) The Human Condition

4) Jesus Christ

5) The Work of Christ

6) The Holy Spirit

7) The Church

8) Christian Living

9) Christ's Return

10) Response and Eternal Destiny

Calvary's Statement of Faith is the Statement of Faith adopted by the EFCA Conference June 26, 2008.  Since then, there have been minor changes to the Statement of Faith.  Calvary has not yet updated our individual church's statement to match, but will likely do so shortly.

Go to the Statement of Faith page on the EFCA's website to read their current Statement of Faith.


"In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, charity. In all things, Jesus Christ."

1. The Evangelical Free Church of America is a believers’ church—membership consists of those who have a personal faith in Jesus Christ.

2. The Evangelical Free Church of America is evangelical—we are committed to the inerrancy and authority of the Bible and the essentials of the gospel.

3. The Evangelical Free Church of America embraces a humble orthodoxy in partnership with others of like faith.

4. The Evangelical Free Church of America believes in Christian freedom with responsibility and accountability.

5. The Evangelical Free Church of America believes in both the rational and relational, i.e. the head and the heart, dimensions of Christianity.

6. The Evangelical Free Church of America affirms the right of each local church to govern its own affairs with a spirit of interdependency with other churches.

Go to the Distinictives page on the EFCA's website to read more about each of these Distinctives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about what the EFCA believes?  The Statement of Faith and Distinctives

What does the “free” mean in Evangelical Free Church?

Does the EFCA have a position on the age of the universe, either young-earth or old-earth?

Go to the EFCA's FAQ to find the answers to these and other frequently asked questions..

EFCA website

Northern Plains District

The Northern Plains District is an association of 35 churches in northwestern Minnesota, North Dakota, northern South Dakota and eastern Montana.

We are one of 17 district organizations in the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), an association of over 1500 autonomous churches. We exist to support our district churches in accomplishing their mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ so that together we might multiply healthy churches among all people.

Who We Are

We are a Gospel-centered movement that seeks to cultivate multiplication in our churches at all levels (believers, workers, leaders, ministries, churches) so they transform lives and communities for God’s glory.

Click on Mission and Vision to see a short video from our District Superindendent.

Northern Plains District Newsletter

Check out what's going on in the EFCA Northern Plains District.  Information about missionaries, upcoming events, Cooperstown Bible Camp, and more.

EFCA website
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